'Trying Song' // Bluebeard (Cocteau Twins Cover)
'Trying Song' is a series of free cover songs originally mouthed by special women. The plan is to release the tunes as they are completed.
The first offering is “Bluebeard” by Cocteau Twins. I’m young enough to have missed the group in the 80’s and 90’s, but Elizabeth Frazer’s voice is a permanent truth and it changed me when I found it.
I hope smiles happen when you hear it. We loved building it…such a beautiful song! Aubrey Trinnaman helped with her voice and the artwork. please share it with others who might feel it.
Download it for free (or donation) at our bandcamp page. Leave your email upon download to be sent the subsequent tunes. trying soon: Björk, Kate Bush, Innocence Mission, etc.
HERE: TaughtMe bandcamp page